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Sony Bloggie Touch (MHS-TS10/B) - 4 GB, 2 Hour NEWEST MODEL (Black)

Monday, December 19, 2011

What to Do When Your Dog Or Cat Won't Eat

What to Do When Your Dog Or Cat Won't Eat

Your dog won't eat. Or your cat is a picky eater. So what on earth do you do?

First, a caveat. No animal will willingly starve itself. But all the time have your pet seen by a vet when there's a change in behavior. You need to rule out illness before embarking on solving a pet's eating problem. Be sure to check for a bad tooth as this is often overlooked as a cause of eating issues. The second caveat: Eating problems can be complex and the tips offered here are simplistic. I offer them with 30 years of caress as a dog owner, breeder, handler and fancier in the world of dogs, but you should discuss them with your vet to see if any are a plausible remedy for your pet's situation.

We'll start with dogs, and assuming that your dog is wholesome but not a good eater, here are some potential reasons why and ideas for fixing it.

If you feed your dog treats during the day, stop. You want your dog hungry at meal times.If your dog is a show dog, remember that bait should be offered in Tiny pieces, it's not meant to be dinner. When it comes to meals, put the dog's food bowl on the floor, give her 10 minutes to eat it, and if it isn't touched, pick it up and put it away. Don't feed again until the next meal, and resist the temptation to give treats. Do this for a whole week because what you're doing here is behavior modification. Remember, a wholesome dog won't starve itself to death, but a stubborn, wholesome dog could modify Your behavior if you cave in.

If you change pet foods frequently, stop. Frequent diet changes can create a finicky eater. The dog learns to "holdout" to see what will be offered next. When you find a nutritious diet your pet will eat, stay with it. If you Must change the pet's diet, do it moderately over a two week period. Add a small whole of the new diet to the old food, and each day, growth the whole of the new feed while decreasing the whole of the current food. This gradual change will help forestall diarrhea, vomiting and finicky eating.

With picky eaters, it's foremost to feed a "super premium" brand of dog food. These foods cost a small more and are made with good ingredients, but they are nutritionally dense. This means that your dog is positively eating less in quantity than the cheaper brands bought at grocery market (these foods have the nutritional value of bark), but because there are more "calories per cup" in a excellent food, they're positively getting more nutrition. Look for brands such as Merrick's "Grammy's Pot Pie" (canned food), California Natural, Prarie, Canidae, Flint River, Nutro, Wellness, Eagle Pack Holistic or Nutrisource.

Mixing kibble with a small whole of canned dog food and water will also make it enticing. This next part is important: The single most natural way to growth a pet's appetite is to warm their food because it increases the smell and makes it more appetizing.

Perhaps your dog has a health issue or is on a medication that makes him not want to eat. She's under a vet's care, but the task of getting food into her falls on you. Now what? First, understand that the less a dog eats, the less he Wants to eat. Add to that the dog who comes to connect food with nausea and you have a real problem, so the sooner you can get your dog to Want to eat on his own, the better. So much for the obvious.

We'll start with the simplest remedies and work our way up to a radical explication that worked for one of my dogs. Assuming that your dog is on a high quality feed but still not eating, you may need to go to the next step: making dog food taste even better.

You don't want to make these next foods a daily staple, mostly because the high sodium article of many of them would be contra-indicated for dogs in renal failure or with heart issues (if your dog does have kidney issues, check out a positively informative web site here.) The following foods have been tried and tested by habitancy in the dog fancy and are recommend Only as a means to jump start the appetite in a sick or compromised dog: Sardines, canned cat food, Gerber's baby food - especially turkey or sweet potato, braunschweiger, Limburger Cheese, broth, pureed liver, Dinty Moore Beef Stew, yogurt, cottage cheese/cream cheese, canned mackerel, scrambled eggs with cream cheese, chicken noodle soup - and even this one: hard-boiled eggs smashed up in French Vanilla yogurt, slightly warmed.

Sometimes, you may need to "jump start" an appetite with something so enticing, it's irresistible. Here is the original recipe for "Satin Balls," one of the most requested recipes on Wellpet, Showdogs-L, VetMed, and other favorite e-mail lists for serious dog people:

10 pounds of cheap hamburger meat
1 lg. Box of Total cereal
1 lg. Box oatmeal
1 jar of wheat germ
1 1/4 cup veg oil
1 1/4 cup of unsulfured molasses
10 raw eggs And shells
10 envelopes of unflavored gelatin
pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together, much like you would a meatloaf. Divide the batch into 10 quart freezer bags and freeze.Thaw as needed and feed raw! (This is also a good way to put weight on a skinny dog, growth energy, and to alleviate itchy, flaky skin). This isn't a substitute for meals, it's meant to whet a dog's appetite. If the dog is eating this eagerly, start mixing it with kibble gradually. The idea is to wean them off the Satin Balls and onto kibble.

Next, we move on to "fixes" that come in a tube or pill. Remember that the point of these products is to stimulate an appetite and are not long term solutions; We start with Re-Vita whose products are said to be efficient for problem appetites; "Pet-Tinic" is a liquid dietary supplement containing iron, copper and 5 principal vitamins. The palable meat-flavored liquid is readily accepted and one "tester" reported that it brought back her pet's appetite roughly immediately, Because of its contents, you'll want to have your vet's approval before using this. "Nutri-Cal" is pure food that squeezes out like toothpaste; dogs like its taste and it's a quick way to get food into a dog. When diluted with water, Dyne High Calorie Dietary Supplement can be used to combat dehydration and provide power because each ounce provides roughly 150 fat containing vitamins and minerals that profess constant therapeutic blood levels.

If none of the aforementioned tips work, this is where I get pretty serious because my own philosophy is that a lack of appetite is a lousy presuppose for a dog to die. What you'll read next isn't pleasant - but if you love your dog, you have to get food into her. As far as I know,there are four ways to do this when the dog can't eat on his own: syringe food into the dog's mouth, stuff food down the dog's throat, hook the dog up to an Iv, or insert a stomach tube. I've done all of them at one time or another. And they all stink, but they're preferable to the alternative: a dog who wastes away and dies.

Syringing: You'll need a merge of large syringes from your vet. Using canned food; conclude the whole your dog needs to keep his weight, divide that whole in half and spoon that much into a blender (you and this blender will come to be inseparable over the advent days). Add enough warm water to blend positively into a very fine puree and for each meal, moderately syringe the puree into the side of the dog's lips. Or, you can cut to the chase. Pry the dog's mouth open and squeeze the syringe plunger down so that the food trickles to the side and back of the dog's mouth. It takes a bit of time to get the hang of this since you don't want the dog to aspirate food into his lungs. Speak to the dog soothingly and praise him when you're done. Remember, it's not the dog's fault he's unable to eat and it's only temporary until the appetite comes back.

Stuffing: This was my least favorite means of getting food into a dog. It was messy and degrading. In a nutshell, you make "food bombs" that are narrow enough to slide down the back of the dog's throat. These "bombs" are a compound of wet & dry food that's been pureed into a texture that allows shaping. There are folks out there who are positively good at doing this - and some dogs who just don't eat well come to be so used to eating this way that they'll stand calmly, lift up their small heads and open their mouths like guppies in prospect for the next "bomb." Since all we care about is getting food into the dog, if this works for you,that's what counts.

Iv: A "no brainer." At this point, a dog is so ill that this is pretty much the last resort. It's no substitute for the fat gotten from real food, but sometimes it serves as a band-aid until the dog is back on its feet and able to eat the real thing.

Stomach tube: Proverbially speaking, this is what separates the men from the boys. When I was faced with a dog whose heart medication caused anorexia but who was otherwise healthy, I had but small option to pull out all the stops. Syringe feeding, food bombs - these were not long term solutions. Guided by my vet, we made an informed decision to insert a stomach tube. Mind you, at the time we plan it would be a short term fix until my dog ate on his own. Keep reading.

The first tube put in was an ugly, brown rubber tube that was So long, it had to be wrapped nearby my dog's mid section and secured with a lady's tube top when not in use. I ready the food as if I was going to syringe it into my dog's mouth, only it was syringed into a tube that had been inserted into his side over the stomach. In less than a week, the dog knew the sound of the blender, knew what was advent and would lie down on his side in preparation for his meal.

Each day before I approached the blender, I all the time offered the dog his meal in a bowl since it was my fondest desire that the dog eat like a dog. After many weeks, however, I knew this wasn't going to happen. Ever. At this point, my vet and I had a frank argument about options and he mentioned a permanent tube, one inserted from the inside out. The "Bard" was a gastronomy gadget made of silicon that was successfully used to feed disabled children but had never been used in canines. My nearly 14 year old Puli would be the first dog to have the slick silicon "button" inserted. It fit flush against his stomach and a small "lid" flicked open like the flip-top portion of a tube of toothpaste. Compared to what I had been working with, it was a Porsche compared to an Edsel and no one else ever knew it was there.

The tube enabled my dog to live a merge of more years. Feeding him took less than five minutes and afterwards, he would run with the other dogs,bark into the wind, enjoy the sun on his back and know that I favorite him. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Because of the seemingly radical step we took to ensure this dog's survival, it wasn't something I discussed openly. Too many habitancy out there feel that if a dog can't eat on his own, he's not meant to live. To them I say, "Phooey." The dog wanted to live, to survive and feel the hand of those who loved him rubbing his ears. But he couldn't eat. His spirit was willing and he would have done whatever to please me, but this one thing he couldn't do. How then, was I to deny him the one thing I could do to help him?

Cats: Needless to say, cats are not like dogs. They can get liver damage from not eating even for just a day or two. When a cat stops eating, their body will start to use its fat market as fuel. The old fat market are mobilized to the liver, which should begin fat burning. But when the fat arrives at the liver, the liver doesn't burn the fat efficiently and it accumulates in the liver.

The resulting liver disorder is known as "hepatic lipidosis", or "fatty liver disease." This health may be recommend when blood tests show impaired liver function. Getting fatty liver disease is not isolated only to cats, and fasting cats don't all the time get this condition, they just seem more prone to it when they don't eat.

But according to the Cornell Online Consultant, there are 454 more potential Diagnoses for Feline Anorexia. Wow. A good web site you can visit here explains the distinct reasons a cat might not be eating, from acid stomach to ulcers and together with fatty liver disease. The lowest line, however,is that you have less "wiggle room" when a cat won't eat. Tries these tips:

-Warm the food because warmed food has a stronger smell which will make a cat want to eat.
-Handfeeding: Sit with your cat and talk to her. Offer a small piece of food to her.
-Offer special treats like canned or pouched food instead of dry kibble.
-Offer tuna and cheese or milk or cream, all in small amounts.
-Tasty liquids, like water from tuna packed in water or, rarely, oil. Avoid tuna packed in vegetable broth as itmay contain onions. Try clam juice or low-salt chicken broth. Avoid onions and whatever made with bouillan as it's too salty;
-Sprinkle some catnip on the food.

Pull out all the stops and make some Home Made Cat Food with this recipe:
Switch off the protein sources with each batch or two. Switch between:
- Half Pound of minced boneless chicken breast or thigh
- Six Ounces of dark-mean ground turkey or minced turkey
- Half Pound of lean, minced beef
- Half Pound of minced beef, chicken or turkey heart. About three times a week, contain one chopped hard-boiled or scrambled egg. Occasionally substitute a five-ounce can of salmon or tuna for the meat. Avoid canned salmon or tuna for cats that are prone to urinary tract infections.

Mix foods together.

There are some drugs that can help stimulate a cat's appetite together with Diazepam (Valium). Other drugs to ask your vet about are Periactin (generic name Cyproheptadine), Serax (generic name Oxazepam) and Dalmane (generic name Flurazepam). All have potential side effects so it's foremost to talk with your vet.

Syringe feeding and feeding tubes as mentioned in the section for dogs is also an option for cats.

Good luck and know that you're not alone. Feeding issues are among the most frustrating of concerns.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Secrets of Skateboarding - Learn How to Tre Flip on a Skateboard

Secrets of Skateboarding - Learn How to Tre Flip on a Skateboard

There are many separate secrets of skateboarding and some are as straightforward as studying some extra techniques to perfect exact tricks. This report will elaborate how to tre flip on a skateboard or you can also call it how to do a 360 flip on a skateboard because it is the exact same thing. Let's get started!

The secrets of skateboarding will show you how to tre flip on a skateboard in just a few steps.

Step 1 - You should know how to do a Kickflip. This will make it a lot easier to learn how to do a 360 flip on a skateboard because it is similar in some ways.
Step 2 - Put your front foot just in the same stance as you would to do a Kickflip. Ensure your front foot is about 2 inches away from the front trucks.
Step 3 - Put the front of your back foot on the tail of the board. Tilt your back foot up a microscopic bit to give it a bit of a better spin.
Step 4 - Pop and spin at the exact same time. Then make sure to kick out your front foot just like you would in a kick flip.
Step 5 - Scoop the board. By this I mean get a microscopic bit underneath of the board and flick it with your foot.
Step 6 - Wait for the board to come back colse to to permissible stance and then land it safely. Make sure you still have your knees bent, this will allow you to land easier and with less pressure on your legs.

The secrets of skateboarding aren't secrets after you learn how to tre flip on a skateboard or in other words how to do a 360 flip on a skateboard. After following these straightforward steps you should be able to do exactly that and then get a head start on some other extra tricks too.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flip Video Ultra High Definition Camcorder With 8Gb Memory

Flip Video Ultra High Definition Camcorder With 8Gb Memory

Are you seeing for the Flip Video Ultra High Definition Camcorder with 8Gb Memory? If so you would probably like a good deal on it. The Flip Video Ultra High Camcorder is very convenient to use.

A lot of people like to shop online for this camera because it is so relaxing to shop online and because they get great deals.

The Flip Video Ultra Hd Camcorder is so convenient:

Ultra Hd camcorder captures 120 minutes of video, the camera has 8 Gb of built-in memory. Photograph ability is superb even in low-light it will capture great ability video.

The camera comes with 8 Gb of built-in memory, letting you capture 2 hours of Hd video, and an included rechargeable battery pack,

With the flip Hd camcorder there are no tapes or memory cards required

A great highlight of the camera is that it comes with a rechargeable duplicate A battery pack (recharges when linked to the mains); also supported by Treble A batteries, to contribute back-up.

Shopping online is best than shopping in brick & mortar stores:

Shopping online is very convenient, you don't have to walk through crowded aisles and bump into people. If you were to shop in a brick & mortar store you would have to carry the goods home yourself. When you shop online you order the item from your computer and it is delivered to your door.

How to get a great deal:

If you agree that shopping online is convenient and you are seeing for the best deal online. Here is how to get it.

Do a Google crusade for the product, and then visit all of the market that are listed. Check them out one by one.

Make sure that the store has great reviews by previous customers. Also check out their refund policy to ensure that you can return the goods if for any think you need to do so. When you shop online you must look for a trustworthy store.

All of the above will entail a lot of research. But the question with this is it takes too much time and is not all the time reliable.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

My Love Affair with Flip flops

My Love Affair with Flip flops

Flip flops are the many invention ever. At least, in my world they are. There is surely nothing more comfortable on my feet than flip flops. I'm not too picky with my flips flops. I have every color thinkable, and every material ever made. The canvas ones are my absolute popular and I save the leather dressier ones for out in public. When I was a kid, the only kind of flip flops were the rubber kind that angry your toes when you wore them. After you had permanent calluses on your toes, then they were comfortable. Finally, some habitancy stepped exterior of the box and invented flip flops that made your feet happy. Whoever the habitancy were that ultimately took that creative step, I owe them a huge thank you. At the moment, I have two pairs of flip flops in my living room. My husband trips over them enduringly and all the time grumbles about it.

Why do I love flip flops so much? Well, that's an easy request to answer. Not only are they easy to slip on and off, but they can allow you to show off anyone new color nail polish you put on your toes. You can get them wet and there's no harm done. Every brand name, generic or well-known, makes them. I have a pair of Sketchers flip flops that I surely adore. However, I have purchased some of the most adorable flip flops at Payless Shoes in my years. I could probably buy 3 pairs of flip flops at Payless for the price of one pair of Sketchers. It just depends on what you're seeing for and how much of an emphasis you place on where your shoes come from. To me, flip flops are marvelous no matter what brand they are.

My workplace has a fairly accurate dress code. I've tried to test it a few times by wearing outfits or items that aren't acceptable. Technically, we are not supposed to wear flip flops for any reason. I sprained my ankle right after I started working for my enterprise and it was incredibly uncomfortable to wear any type of shoes. My boss gave me permission to wear flip flops until the swelling was more bearable. As much as my ankle and foot were hurting me, I was a bit sad when I had to switch back to quarterly shoes.

Walk straight through any department store or shoe store and you'll see tons of sandals. You'll notice that flip flops come in every color and material - which you could surely view in my living room. They vary in price range and are a girl's best friend. Well, at least they're my best friend. Next to chocolate, that is.

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Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Flip a House - Getting Started

Real Estate is one of the most profitable industries around, but not everyone is cut out for this business. There are safe bet tricks of the trade that you must learn before you can begin investing in real estate.

Starting this kind of business can be very difficult and complicated. But once you have learned how to go about and mastered the ropes of this business, you will find it not only financially rewarding but professionally exciting.

Flip Video

A lot of citizen do not know that many thriving real estate investors did not start big, but worked their way up. Most of them shunned buying and selling ready to occupy houses. Instead they started by buying ugly and downright bad houses, fixing these houses and selling them for a profit, also know as flipping houses.

How to Flip a House - Getting Started

If you are curious and feel you have the nose and the talent for real estate, start out by looking for houses that need some work such as clean up, painting and in some cases re-carpeting. However, avoid selecting a house that is much too rundown or you might end up paying a fortune for repair. And, if the house you are contemplating on has any type of structural problem, first get an appraisal from a trustworthy undertaker of a package deal before you make the purchase. Once you get all the estimates together, you can calculate your offer for the purchase of the property.

To save money, you can do the repair yourself if you have the skill. But, if you think you cannot do the job alone, you can hire an private or a business that could help or do the work for you. Make sure that the business that will take care of things for you or the subcontractor charges a cheap price. You can even make arrangements for a profit-sharing task so you need to invest less on remodeling.

Experience in repairs of several homes and structural problems will give you expertise and confidence in selecting the right house in which to invest. This can give you the edge over other real estate investors in the market, as you learn to select homes that are intelligent to most buyers.

Admittedly, however, it takes time and convention to excellent the skills -choosing the right houses to buy and renovate, knowing how to make less precious repairs, and reselling at a profitable price. It takes wisdom and good business sense to be able to buy homes that that the midpoint investors would not even give as much as a view and turn this into a profitable venture. A property with an unattractive house but may just turn out to be your biggest money churner if it is located in a very familiar and well-desired neighborhood.

This talent can only be achieved when you and your team have overcome many challenges, successfully renovated and resold several homes together.

If you want to learn how to flip a house, do not hurry. Take your time and buy the right homes. Do not gamble with your money and avoid any mistake. It will not be long for you to earn more once you have successfully repaired and flipped a few smaller homes.

Always keep in mind that starting out in any business can be a slow and even painful process. Profits will not come overnight. But once you have mastered the skill of flipping houses and have several homes to your credit, you'll be ready to deal with anything, make a lot of money and make your work more exciting.

How to Flip a House - Getting Started

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why Cats Flip For Catnip

If you've ever watched as a cat "flipped" over fresh catnip perhaps you've been struck with the question; "what causes Catnip to affect cats that way?" Catnip is easily an unusual phenomenon among cats, it has the ability to alter your cat's behavior like nothing else can. So what exactly is the presume for what scientists have coined as "the Catnip effect"?

Unfortunately for such inquisitive minds the exact presume of why Catnip affects cats in such a manner remains mostly a mystery. There is however much that we do know about Catnip and cats even if we don't have the greatest talk of exactly "why?" yet answered.

Flip Video

The Science Stuff

Why Cats Flip For Catnip

Catnip is scientifically classified as Nepeta cataria and is a perennial herb from the mint house and is in fact also referred to as "Catmint". It is a plant indigenous to Europe but has been exported and is now found all over together with the United States and Canada.

The active ingredient in Catnip is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is found in the leaves of the plant. This is the presume you are able to find Catnip in a bottle or spray form in some pet stores.

Other Uses For Catnip

Catnip is not only good to stimulate performance in cats, it can also be used by humans as an herb for a corrective tea which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may also perform as a sleep aid. Furthermore, Catnip can be used as an herb on salads or other foods as has been the case for centuries in France. Lately Catnip has also been garnering favor as a natural insect repellant rivaling the effectiveness of many store bought varieties of repellant.

Catnip and Kitty

Catnip affects roughly half of all cats. What determines whether or not a cat will react to Catnip is a genome that is inherited (or not inherited as the case may be) at birth. Kittens, regardless of whether or not they carry this genome, do not react to Catnip until reaching about 3 or 4 months of age and becoming sexually mature. Older cats are also more likely to have a diminished or non-existing reaction to Catnip, which leads scientists to believe that the Catnip supervene is based at least partially on sexuality and that the reaction may be something like an aphrodisiac. Further adding to this reliance is the similarity of a sexual pheromone found in the urine of the male cat to nepetalactone (the active product in Catnip).

Cats that can be traced to regions where Catnip is not indigenous appear to be unaffected by Catnip. The domesticated housecat is not the only cat that may be affected by Catnip. Larger cats can also be affected by the Catnip effect, felines such as the bobcat, lynx, tiger and even lion are known to react much the same way the coarse housecat would. It is inspiring to note that while Catnip can act as a stimulant when a cat sniffs it, it can conversely act as a relaxant if ingested. Therefore, you may see a different, nearly opposite supervene depending on whether your cat chooses to eat the Catnip you furnish for him/her or merely sniffs it (the latter being the more typical behavior).

How to Use Catnip With Your Cat

Catnip can prove to be a very useful tool for a few coarse problems with your cat. If you are lucky adequate to have a cat that does react comfortably to Catnip then here are a couple of ideas for you and your furry little friend.

Catnip and Lazy Cats:

Catnip can be used to get a lazy cat off his or her butt. Some cats are notoriously lazy, selecting to sleep much of their day away in a nice golden patch of sunlight on the living room carpet, only waking up to eat and acquire some principal attentiveness from their indulgent owners. If this sounds like your cat, you may soon see (if you haven't already) that your cat is becoming more and more round. This is ordinarily not a good thing. Catnip may be able to help. Presenting catnip to your cat encourages performance (of procedure in case,granted the cat sniffs rather than eats the herb).

Many adult cats will talk to Catnip in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and running nearby as if it was given an injection of kitty adrenaline, which in essence, is the case. The supervene of Catnip on a cat can last somewhere in the middle of two and fifteen minutes. If the latter is the case, then this is a decent amount of practice and will help keep your cat a little more svelte than without a Catnip treatment. Furthermore, if you leave the Catnip out for a few hours then your cat may return to the herb later (an hour or two after the supervene has worn off) and again react in an energetic fashion. So in this sense you may consider Catnip sort of like a kitty power drink.

Catnip and Cats That Scratch Furniture:

If you have a cat that seems bent on the destruction of your furniture then Catnip may again be able to come to the rescue. Cats can be frustratingly picky about just about anything under the sun together with where they want to edge their furniture destroying claws. It is not uncommon for a cat to damage or destroy a piece of furniture just because the owners ultimately gave up on trying to redirect their cat to the unused cat scratching post that set them back anywhere up to a hundred dollars and more. A good way to endeavor to change this frustrating and expensive behavior is to rub some Catnip or Catnip oil on a scratching post that you are attempting to get the cat to use. Introduce your cat to the newly "Catnipped" scratching post and see how he/she reacts. If all goes well, your cat will sniff and examine the post and then begin clawing at it. After a few times (you may have to re-Catnip the post) hopefully kitty will be trained to use the post rather than the sofa.

Using Catnip with manifold Cats

If you've never used Catnip before and you have more than one cat it is advisable to try it out individually on each cat before introducing it to all of your cats at the same time. The presume is because Catnip affects some cats in a negative manner causing the cat in demand to come to be aggressive rather than merely playful. Introducing it to your cats individually enables you to operate the situation and keep a cat that may react aggressively isolated from your other cats. This of procedure means avoiding a possible catfight that could supervene in broken furniture, hurt kitties (possibly requiring a vet visit), annoyed neighbors (and probably owners), or a mixture of all of the above.

Growing and holding Catnip

Growing your own Catnip can be rewarding as it can save you money, give you the delight of doing something yourself and ensuring that you all the time get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your cat. A word of caution however; the exact kitty reaction you want to grow your own Catnip is something to be wary of. If you plan on growing your Catnip out of doors and other cats can passage your Catnip orchad then be ready for unwelcome feline visitors. This may not be a problem for you personally, but cats are by nature territorial and if you have a cat that lives alone without the firm of other cats this could prove to be an area of stress for your cat. Even if you keep your cat inside at all times, your cat may get agitated if he/she looks out the window to see another cat frolicking in territory your cat considers his or her own. If you pick to grow your Catnip indoors, be right to keep it out of reach of kitty. Otherwise you'll likely have Fluffy jumping up on furniture even to the most out of the way place to get passage to the tempting herb. Cats are great jumpers and not easily known for respecting costly household knick-knacks. So if you do determine to grow it indoors for a cat that reacts to Catnip, be right to grow it in a place that your cat won't be able to passage it. A room that you all the time keep concluded to the cat is probably the best clarification for indoor grown Catnip.

If you do find that your cat reacts easily to Catnip you should be sure to use it sparingly so as not to dull the supervene which can be the supervene of overexposure. A good rule of thumb is to not treat your kitty more than once a week on median to Catnip.

Given all the inescapable effects that Catnip may have on your cat you owe it to yourself (and naturally your fluffy little ball of affection) to see how he/she reacts to this strange and well known herb. It will furnish enjoyment and practice for your cat and most likely an inspiring show for yourself as well. It's a win win situation.

Why Cats Flip For Catnip

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Flip Ultra Hd Digital Video Camcorder - A Buyer's delineate

I wanted to see what all the buzz was about with these new, handy-sized Flip Video Cams that are all the rage, so I recently bought one from Amazon. Here's my quick review:

The Flip Ultra Hd digital video cam is an impressive dinky handicam that has true Hd 1280 x 720 resolution. There's a very sharp 2.0 inch lcd display for the movie maker and it features a 2x multi-step digital zoom in a handy sized that makes it easy to tote anywhere. I noticed that current promotional photos of the cam don't show it beside something scalable, so I took a join of pics of it in my hand, which I posted on the website listed below. That will give you an idea of the actual size of the camera.

Flip Video

What so great about this dinky video cam?

The Flip Ultra Hd Digital Video Camcorder - A Buyer's delineate

High Definition Video
1280 x 720 Resolution development for sharp, clear video that is true High Definition.

2.0" Lcd Display
Images are captivating and sharp, development for easy view-finding for recording and detailed playback.

Usb and Hdmi capability
The Flip Ultra Hd has a built-in Usb connector that flips out the left side of the camera for easy hookup to your Pc or Mac. There is also a Hdmi port on the right side for hooking up your Flip Ultra Hd directly on your Hdtv to view your movies..

Built-in Rechargeable Battery
The built-in battery recharges when you associate your Flip Ultra Hd to your Pc via Usb. You can replace this battery pack with accepted Aa's if you wish.

1280 x 720 Resolution
1/4.5" Hd Cmos Sensor
2.2µm pixels
2x digital zoom
Ultra low-light sensitivity (>1.4 V/lux-sec) with automated low light detection
H.264 video compression, Aac audio compression, Mp4 file format
Automatic white balance and black level calibration
Automatic exposure operate with dynamic exposure compensation
Fixed Focus (1.5m to infinity)
Built-in wide-range stereo microphone
Comes with FlipShare Cd to install software on your Pc/Mac
Weighs in at 6.0 oz!

Full specs and photos are shown at the Url listed below.

The Flip Ultra Hd Digital Video Camcorder - A Buyer's delineate

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Flipping Real Estate - How to Maximize profit by Minimizing Tax Burden

The surge in foreclosures, which nationwide have reached 2.9% of total serviced mortgages, has created many opportunities for real estate investors concerned in flipping real estate to buy and flip foreclosed houses. Particularly sufficient for the current market could be the so-called "fix and flip" strategy, in which investors purchase foreclosed homes at major discounts - whether due to the house's health or due to the owner's urge to sell the house right away - and flip these homes for a maximum return within a few years. In fact, this strategy could be thought about the most sufficient for the current market. However, in increasing to flipping properties at the right price for a mountainous gain, maximizing return on venture should also include minimizing taxes on capital gains.

Some investors could also fall into a trap of buying a property and selling it too quickly. In fact, opportunities for this kind of flipping are little in today's market. However, maximizing gains on a flipped property is not only about getting the top potential price on the house, but also trying to minimize capital gains taxes for the optimal return on investment. Therefore, real estate investors who want to flip a house for the optimal return should hold a property for at least a year in order to qualify for the 15% capital gains tax rate. As property prices continue to decline in most local markets, the current market conditions in most local housing markets are unlikely to provide an occasion to flip a property within a few months and perceive a critical gain. However, fixing-up property and keeping it for at least a year until an occasion arises to flip it for an engaging behalf could prove as a smart venture choice.

Flip Video

One of the tax provisions many real estate investors who flip properties have used is section 1031 of the Internal wage Code, also called "like-kind" exchange. Under this section, investors can defer payments of capital gains taxes by rolling their capital gains into a similar piece of property. They have 45 days to identify a favorable property and 180 days to close the transaction. Investors cannot take hold of the sales proceeds from the flipped property, but must place the proceeds into an escrow catalogue until they find a favorable exchange property.

Flipping Real Estate - How to Maximize profit by Minimizing Tax Burden

An even greater benefit is ready to those real estate investors who chose to use the house bought for flipping as their former house for at least two years, within a period of up to five years. In this sense, they can avoid tax liability for capital gains of 0,000 for an personel and 0,000 for a married combine filing jointly. With fixes and remodeling on the venture property, investors could accomplish a mountainous tax-free behalf in a uncostly venture timeframe.

Savvy property investors know that flipping real estate properties involves not only the strong drive to earn a quick behalf but also a full insight of the local market conditions and tax considerations that have to be assessed in order to accomplish the optimal return on property investments. All property flippers should seek expert counsel from their accountants or tax lawyers in order to understand the ready options to maximize gains on flipped venture properties. By doing so, investors will have the right knowledge to make the right venture choices that can yield optimal returns on their investments.

Flipping Real Estate - How to Maximize profit by Minimizing Tax Burden

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House Flipping - How to be More successful?

People are often stunned about the possible profits that can be made in "house flipping". House flipping describes the process of buying a piece of real estate, fixing it up, selling it and then doing the same process again with a different object. If done right the profits made from such a transaction can go up into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Citizen reading all these stories about the real estate success of others wonder how that particular person was able to work out such a great deal.

If you are interested in house flipping there is a nice trick that will help you to increase profits. It requires to look ahead and to be flexible when it comes to investing money into the next real estate object. Most Citizen doing house flipping buy an object, fix it up, and then sell it. Once the object is sold they move on trying to find the next house to be fixed up for their venture. That's where the victorious entrepreneur in house flipping works differently. While the 'normal guy' does not want to spend the time finding for the next object while still working on the current house, the more victorious house flipping entrepreneur works on the current house as well as he searches the store for the next And second next piece of real estate.

Flip Video

By lining up the projects this entrepreneur saves time as well as he shuts down the competition quite early. He can move from one object to the next one seamlessly. He can also book sub-contractors and get estimates for work he does not do himself. As he is not under any time pressure he can get as many estimates for a particular job as needed. This is a necessary point as it can mean necessary savings down the road.

House Flipping - How to be More successful?

By planning ahead the more victorious house flipping entrepreneur brings house flipping to a more pro level. This separates the beginner from the pro and can mean any thousands of dollars in discrepancy on the bank list at the end of the year.

An added step to more success in house flipping is to build a network of professionals. By joining soldiery with a real estate agent who is willing to give up the general fees linked with buying and selling a house can make a necessary difference. The real estate agent also has early entrance to new objects that get listed on the market. It is easy for this pro to check for low price objects and to edify the house-flipping entrepreneur. Together they can evaluate the object and resolve on a certain strategy.

House Flipping - How to be More successful?

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Flip Video Camera - Reasons to Buy the Flip Mini Camcorder

If you are seeing for an ultra contract mini camcorder, you should assuredly consider investing in the new range of Flip video Mini camcorders. They are easy to carry nearby because they are pocket size and they also come in a great range of colours so you can choose one to compliment your other electronic gadgets like your mobile phone etc.

This puny camera comes adequate with a screen that measures 1.5 inches. It has a colour Lcd screen which gives an excellent photo ability for its size. This smart puny machine is outfitted with a 2x digital zoom and it has an on-board flash memory of 2Gb. This means that it can description a section of video with a duration of up to 60 or 120 minutes.

Flip Video

The size of the mini camcorder means that you can take it with you wherever you go and it is very easy to use. You can simply point at the image that you wish to description and press the big red button to description all things in view.

The Flip Video Camera - Reasons to Buy the Flip Mini Camcorder

Once you have recorded your images, you will find that it is a very simple task when it comes to downloading your mini film to your computer. There is a Usb portal that pops out of the camera. This can be fast plugged into your laptop so that you can view and edit anything and all things that you have recorded.

This handy puny appliance comes with a lithium-ion battery which is rechargeable. This will then recharge whenever you attach the theory to a computer or any other electrical outlet.

This camcorder does not only take amazing images. The sound ability is also amazing. There is an inbuilt microphone that will description excellent levels of sound, anything situation you happen to be in.

The Flip Video Mini camcorder is now so small that it can unquestionably fit into your pocket for easy and sufficient transportation. This would make a amazing gift idea for anything and would be suitable for any occasion.

Take a look online so that you can compare and difference prices that are currently available and you are sure to find a great bargain.

The Flip Video Camera - Reasons to Buy the Flip Mini Camcorder

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is So Great About the Flip Video Ultra Hd Mini Camcorder?

If you are finding for an affordable high definition video camera, which is so small that it will fit in your pocket, then you should checkout the Flip Video Ultra Hd digital camcorder. This literally small hand-held video camera is so easy to use, thanks to a particular article stop and start button, and it can article 2 full hours of the quality high definition video clips that you can download directly to your computer and up to YouTube.

The new Flip UltraHd camcorder with its inherent for 120 minutes of high quality video tracks is just so transported that you can have lots of fun with it in any place you go - just remember to take it with you! And the best news is that this puny digital video camera is very affordable!

Flip Video

And of course there are many other benefits that you will get from the Flip Video Ultra high definition model, so because of its affordable pricing you will probably find it difficult to buy a Hd digital video camera that can do more for you at such a cheap price.

What is So Great About the Flip Video Ultra Hd Mini Camcorder?

This new Flip Video with its point-and-shoot simplicity combines the power and clarity of a vibrant Hd screen display to article and show your videos in a quality that previously we have not view inherent of this sort of price. This time, it seems, technology is literally bringing us some benefits that we can see. The video replays are impressive when compared to many other more expensive digital camcorders and the popularity of this innovative high definition camcorder is likely to be guaranteed because of this.

But you should not just buy an Ultra Hd due to its price and high quality video, although these are both very valid speculate for making a purchase. There are other features and facilities that you should know about to complete the high specification for this very useful video camera.

The quality to article 2 hours of video clips is good and these camcorders are the easiest to use I have ever seen, however I personally think the Ultra Hd would advantage from a memory card slot to supply an even greater recording capacity. You also get Hdmi yield so it is now literally easy to enjoy all the videos you have recorded on your Hdtv at home.

The non high definition version, the Flip Video Ultra, the predecessor to the new Hd version, still ranks as one of the more beloved digital video camera for its size, currently available. And this is not surprising as you literally can begin recording your videos just as soon as you get the Ultra out of the box. This new model is sure to repeat this success I think.

Perhaps the easiest part of using the Ultra Hd is when you want to connect it to your computer to download the high definition videos that you have recorded. This literally is a very simple process and quick to execute.

Simply use the integrated flip out Usb arm on the Ultra and connect it to any Pc or Mac and then you can inaugurate the built-in FlipShare video editing and sharing software to process your videos in whichever way you want. This makes it highly easy to send your videos straight through email to your friends and your family and load them directly up to YouTube or MySpace if you want. This is a big advantage in today's internet world of group networking and online media.

The Flip Video Ultra Hd literally is one of the easiest to use, pocket sized high definition camcorder currently available and with its one touch recording button and the digital zoom factory it is sure to become another bestseller in the crowded digital video camera market.

What is So Great About the Flip Video Ultra Hd Mini Camcorder?

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Flip Tips - Flip Video Cam 101


The Flip Video camera's brilliance is in its simplicity. Just click the on switch, point and shoot! To record, press the big red button on the back of the Flip (you can't miss it!) To stop recording, hit the red button again. It literally is that simple!

The interface is basically the same either you're using the original, early model Flip Video, the popular Flip Ultra, or the new Flip Mino. Of course, each version has gotten a bit smaller, slicker and a bit more expensive.

Flip Video

As of this writing, the traditional Flip Video retails for 9.99 (Usd), though we've seen it as low as ! The traditional has 1Gb memory and holds 60-minutes of video. The colorful Flip Ultra, in your option of five, involving colors, has 2Gb space and room for 60-minutes of video. The Ultra retails for 9,99 (Usd). The most recent addition to the Flip house is the Mino, also with 2Gb and 60-minutes of video recording time. The Mino runs 9.99, but is smaller and has an internal battery. Earlier models need 2 Aa batteries. The new Mino also adds some increased functionality, such as pause, fast-forward and rewind functions for playback.

Flip Tips - Flip Video Cam 101
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On all models, after you're done with your one-touch recording, you "flip" the camera's Usb arm open, plug it into your computer's Usb port, commence the built-in software and you're ready to share your video! The Record-Connect-Share process is fast and easy.

Once you've got your video on your computer, you've got options for e-mailing your video, or publishing directly to YouTube, Aol Video, and with the Mino, to MySpace, as well. With the e-mail function, you can send a link to your video, or share a greeting using their secret online greeting templates. You can also save and compose your videos to your computer, or as an email attachment.

The Flip's features even allow you to generate your own "movie mix," by adding music or built-in effects. In addition to the auto-upload to YouTube, you can save your video to upload to other video-sharing websites. You can also compose your videos with the Flip's video library.

The minimal controls on the Flip keep things simple, too. You can record, playback, or delete your unwanted "takes" with a join of obvious buttons. There are also controls for zoom (not much) and volume. As mentioned above, the Mino adds pause, fast-forward and rewind options.

All the Flips come with a tiny, but adequate 1.5" (diagonal) Lcd screen, and the video potential and resolution is fine for such a low-priced camcorder. The video format yield is Mpeg-4 Avi, a relatively user-friendly format. Two Aa (alkaline) batteries should give you up to 2 hours of continuous use, so bring extras if you're planning a trip or heavy use. If you opt for the newer Mino, the battery is built-in.

The handy, microscopic Flip cameras weigh just over 5 ounces, and the Mino is a mere 3.3 ounces. The Ultra and the Mino have a tripod mount on the bottom, and all models have a built-in microphone and speaker. The cameras contain a Tv-out jack so you can connect your Flip to a television. You can also snap still photos from the Flip video.

Editing video on the Flip itself is very limited, but you can convert the start and end points of your video. In addition, the "movie maker" function gives you a option of six movie styles or "effects."
As for the built-in Flip Video software program, the minimum requirements for Windows are as follows: Intel Pentium 4.2.0 Ghz, Windows Xp Sp2 w/ 512Mb of Ram, or Visa w/ 2Gb of Ram, and Usb port. Requirements for the Mac are: Power Pc G4 1.0 Ghz or Intel Core, w/ 512Mb Ram, Os X Tiger 10.4 or Leopard 10.5, and Usb port.

Five Fun Uses for the Flip:

Because of its small size, convenience and use of use, The Flip is exquisite for getting video on the fly... Here are 5 ways to use your Flip:
Citizen Journalism - Capture news as it happens, then sell your footage to the Tv tabloids for big bucks! Undersea Adventure - Yes, you can buy a waterproof case for your Flip, and tape your underwater antics! Ride Along - Take your Flip on tour as you ride your bike, rollerblade or even ski! Just use the handy attachment accessory! Family Album - The Flip is exquisite for taping your kid's soccer games, baseball playoffs, band concerts or recitals. Aside from its microscopic zoom capabilities, the Flip was made for capturing house events and activities. Vlog it - Turn the camera on yourself and start your own videoblog or online diary. You can tape yourself with your Flip and upload your video to YouTube or Aol video in minutes. It's never been easier to get video online!

Flip Tips - Flip Video Cam 101

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Editing a Flip Video


Flip Video cameras are small devices that are really taking video cameras into the mainstream. They are small, affordable, and highly easy to use. And yet the capability of video they furnish is remarkable. With the coming of the Flip Video, video capture has come into the hands of the masses. (Won't YouTube be thrilled?)

While it is true that one of the advantages of a Flip Video is the ease of use, unfortunately this can also be fairly limiting as far as features. The software that comes built into the camera does allow for super easy uploading to common video sites like YouTube and Facebook. And it even has some basic editing features, such as adding a title page and a toll page.

Flip Video

But what if you want to clean up your video more than what the built in software (called FlipShare) allows?

Editing a Flip Video
How to Halo: Reach - Achievement HORSE #6 Tube. Duration : 7.98 Mins.

Jack and Geoff take to the digital battlegrounds again to hash out who is the king of Halo Horse. WHO WILL YOU ROOT FOR? Maps are available here:

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Keywords: Tags

You are forced to go with third-party software. This does Not, however, necessarily mean buying an costly software suite. In fact, there are some marvelous pieces of software that are open source, or free, for users.

For example, Windows Movie Maker comes built in to all Windows operating systems. Mac has a similar agenda that is, by default, installed with the platform. Users can import the videos that were made with the Flip Video camera, and then cut, splice, originate transitions, and add special effects.

To turn the format of file (Mp4, Avi, Mpeg-2, Wmv, Mov, etc.), there are a host of free video converters available, such as the one from This allows you to pick the output size, frame rate and capability of the video from one file type to another. You may need to turn the format from Flip's default (Mp4) to other kind in order for the free video editors like Windows Movie Maker to work.

Once your file is in a literal, format, import it to your editing software, make your changes, then 'publish' the video in a format that is compatible with what you want to do. For example, if you want to upload to YouTube, you can use a Wmv format (or even Flv). Again, if the editing software does not furnish that type, use a suitable output like Avi.

Editing a Flip Video

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